Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cloth Diapering!!!

Welp, I've made the leap! After researching cloth diapers for a few days and thinking to myself,  "hmmm... you stay at home all day anyhow so, why not?", I've took a dive and made my first cloth diaper purchase. I'm sure everyone thinks I am crazy for doing so, as they are not convenient as disposable diapers, but my logic is that they will save us money and look cute! :) We wont be cloth diapering Henry because he will be potty trained soon (crossing my fingers). Now that I have decided to CD I have become OBSESSED with looking for cute diaper designs and new diapers to buy when I havent even received my very first shipment yet!!! YIKES! We shall see how it goes, but I have a feeling that I am going to like this! Hopefully they get here soon!